• If you ask me, do you practice poetry ? I would say. Of course i . Being a passionate writer, how can i escape the magic of it. The magic of portraying your emotions in the most romantic and powerful way. If writing is my love, poetry is my lust. Because its sudden, its spontaneous. It comes out so naturally. 

  • Poetry is about arranging your thoughts in the most beautiful manner. Its like lightning that suddenly comes out from a  cloud which has become excessively charged. When your mind becomes obsessed with certain thoughts, it comes out in the form of sexy words, sentences and paras. And we name it Poetry. 

Honestly speaking i was never interested in poetry during my pre-teen days. I used to read the poems of  Robert frost, William wordsworth and many others. But they never aroused me mentally. I stumbled upon poetry, when i met her. She was my senior in school. I was crazy for her. She was so beautiful. The most beautiful woman i saw, during my school days. It was for her i wrote my First poem.....coincidentally she was born on 14th feb....

Oh Girl born on valentine's day...
your beauty fascinates me..
Your brownish-black hairs so silky tingles my imagination...
Oh girl born on valentine's day..
your beauty fascinates me...
Your cheeks so very plumpy look so tempting
i want to touch them 
feel their softness till my heart content
Oh girl born on valentine's day..
Ur beauty fascinates me
Your eyes filled with cunning innocence 
shine with love
Your lips so very wet dipped in 
a mixture of red n pink...
Oh girl born on valentine's day..
Ur beauty fascinates me
Oh Girl so lovable...
your beauty gives me a reason to adore u..
Em jealous of your lover because your with him
Oh Girl your lover is blessed for your with him
oh Girl born on valentine's day...
your beauty fascinates me...

During my school days, i never told her that "hey girl,i write poetry for you". Because i was an introvert and never used to spill my feelings before anyone. After school days got over, i saw her on facebook. We became friends. And then that was the time, i send her this poem i wrote for her. She was highly impressed. She really loved it and became crazy for it because no one ever wrote a poem for her. She became the first admirer of my poetry. We became good friends Then. 

We are still in touch, we still talk....She loves my poetry and i still admire her beauty. Because of her i got to meet the poet in me and for that i will be always grateful to her .

From then on, me and my poetic journey has went leaps and bounds. I sometimes wrote to express, i sometimes wrote to impress but i kept writing and the journey is still on. And i am enjoying it.


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