Many of my friends have told me at some point of my time, that I inspire them and have asked me this question that how am I so hopeful about life. And in all those times, I never had an answer because how do I describe it in words, I was clueless about it. Maybe it’s the books I read, that keep me high always, it’s the spirituality I get immersed in at times and many times it’s the people around me. 

There is an aunt who comes to our flat, to cook food for me and my roommates. I would rarely get time to talk to her, I would be sleeping in the morning and in the evening, I would be busy in my own world, listening to music, talking to my friends, engrossed in my own thoughts. There were scars on her face, memories of domestic violence I guess, of all the pain she had gone through. The lady works really hard to support her life and feed her children. She would go around different houses cooking food and washing utensils, in the morning and evenings, her daytime would be spent rendering services to the tiffin center. We always think our life has got the greatest hardships, its when we look around and dare to see through the lives of others, we realize how blessed we are. 

Two days ago, I got to know something that shocked me to the core. My room-mate who knew her past five years said, some months ago someone had killed her thirteen-year-old son and had his dead body thrown away on the lonely roads.  My jaw dropped and I sat still for a few moments after hearing this. This lady after going through such a trauma, still comes each day, cooking food, washing utensils, still working hard to earn her living. Every time I had a chit-chat with her, she would always talk about how hopeful she is about getting her 22-year-old son married and how she is worried about the health issues of her 18-year-old daughter. She would occasionally smile at times, yes sometimes the food is good, sometimes the food is bad and yes it can never match up to the taste of the food my mother cooks but its still good. I would compliment her when the food is good and would eat silently when the food tastes bad. That’s ok, when I do mistakes, people were there to forgive me and I would always be thankful to them. Life has been hard for her but this lady still lives a life full of hope. She has not given up on life, she wants her children to lead a better and happy life. 

When I see her, what right do I have to complaint whom God has blessed so abundantly? We all get depressed over our broken hearts, lost love, betrayals, parting friendships ignoring the bliss around us. I lost a love, this lady lost a son when she can live, I too can. Life is too short to waste it in tears. When I saw around and observed, I realized, the pain I had was no less, the world suffers more than I do and everyone is fighting their own battles. If we could just be more humble, more compassionate towards one another, it would be beautiful. I deserve your love dear, yes I do and you deserve mine.


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