Well first of all, i really don't understand this debate of traditions and modernity because neither am i a strong supporter of  age old traditions neither am i an activist who boasts loudly of modern life style. 

I just want to say one thing and that is live life in your own way, in your own unique style. God has made you different from others, so follow what your heart says. Why discriminate habits or customs of being old or traditional. If you like something, do it. Why think about what people would say. Your life and you are the boss buddy. Wear what you want to, Value things that you like.

Its not about traditions, its not about being modern. Its about you, your life. Ask yourself "THAT WHAT I AM GOING TO DO, DO I ACTUALLY LIKE IT". If the answer is positive, go ahead and do it. Never try to copy others, bring out your own style.

Like sometimes i feel is it necessary to cut a cake every time when we celebrate a birthday of someone. We can try something different like cutting a tandoori chicken or a pizza but we won't do it. Why ? may be because people are too lazy to break customs.

The dowry system came into existence just because we all have a bad habit of copying each other. During earlier times, The rich used to give of money and gifts to their son in law and his family because they were capable of it. It was a way of showing off their wealth. But this habit of the rich transcended down to the poor too. They started giving dowry too even though they were not capable of it. Slowly with time, giving dowry became a tradition. And now it has become a menace. It has became the biggest reason of female foeticide and i don't think its doing any good to the society.

Do things you are capable rather than doing things which may destroy you in the name of tradition.......Traditions are made by men not by God almighty and you really don't need to follow them if you don't want to.

your life style is your own choice. People can influence you but you must have the last say. 

Most of my friends are into hardcore gyming now. Gyming is a huge craze among them. They are swelling their biceps and burning their belly fat. They like it, so they are doing it. I don't like gyming so i am not into it. Rather i love doing yoga, cycling, jogging and walking. Its my way of staying fit.

So being traditional is your choice...
being modern is your what you like....but just give it a thought that whether what you are doing is RIGHT OR WRONG....What you do should not harm the only concern you should have....


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