'LIFE' is the one word in your many languages that comes closest to carrying the meaning that some of you are seeking to express when you use the word 'Allah' or 'God' or 'Brahman,' 'Vishnu,' or 'Shiva,' and that you hope describes or can be a container for the 'stuff that God is.'

In one word, LIFE is the 'stuff that God is.' 

Life IS. Life is that which IS. It has no shape, no form, no gender.It has no color, no fragrance, no size. It is ALL shapes, all forms, all colors, fragrances, and sizes. It is both genders, and that which is genderless as well. It is the All, and the Everything, and it is the No Thing from which the Everything emerges. There is nothing Life creates that is not Life Itself. All that you see everywhere around you is Life, expressing. Life is everything. It runs in, as, and through everything. YOU are Life, expressing. And Life is You, expressing itself as you. Everybody else is Life, expressing. There is no one, not a single living being, who is not an expression of Life. Even those you consider the worst among you are an expression of Life.

NONE of these statements [above] seems controversial. Not many people would seriously argue with them. The truth of these statements seems obvious on the surface.

NOW, play a little trick on yourself. Play a little game.

Exchange the word “Life” for the word “GOD,” and see what happens. Watch your mind go crazy.

Make the same statement, the exact same statement, as above, but use the word 'GOD' in place of the word 'LIFE,' and watch what your mind does with it.

Go ahead.

Place the statement in quotes because it is going to be an exact duplicate of the statement above, with the exception being that the word 'God' has replaced the word 'Life'.

"God IS. God is that which IS. It has no shape, no form, no gender. It has no color, no fragrance, no size. It is ALL shapes, all forms, all colors, fragrances, and sizes. It is both genders, and that which is genderless as well. It is the All, and the Everything, and it is the No Thing from which the Everything emerges. There is nothing God creates that is not God Itself. All that you see everywhere around you is God expressing. God is everything. It runs in, as, and through everything. YOU are God, expressing. And God is You, expressing itself as you. Everybody else is God, expressing. There is no one, not a single living being, who is not an expression of God. Even those you consider the worst among you are an expression of God."

... some of you have been imagining that God is NOT Life, but rather, that God stands outside of Life, creating Life, but not being it.

Yet I tell you this: The words 'Life' and 'God' are interchangeable. 


  1. WOW! Lovely words & expression, Isaac.
    Still, people fight in the name of God & religion...


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