Well what i wrote in my first post is what i was taught in my moral science classes in school and what the The Holy BIBLE says about virginity and i had included my personal views too...because the post was getting too long...i had to cut it short....well here is the follow-up of my previous post...the thoughts i left unexpressed...here i go...

Well suppose, i am in love with a girl.....i am talking about love not marriage because i don't believe in the concept of arrange marriage....so getting back to the point..ok i am madly in love with her....crazy for her and then one day i come to know, "THAT SHE IS NOT A VIRGIN".Oh my God,  she is impure...she has betrayed me....what will i do then, 
should i shoot her, 
stab her to death,
throw her out of my life. 

NOT at all....i cannot and i will not do anything that i mentioned above....why so ? simply because of the fact that i love her and that reason is enough for me to hold her hands. I never fell for her checking her virginity...Love never happens like..." OH WOWW!!!!!!! YOU ARE A VIRGIN....LETS FALL IN LOVE..."

I am not Mr. PERFECT isn't it, if she is ready to accept me with all my flaws, if she loves me with all my imperfections, if she accepts me in my lighter as well as darker sides...if she completes me...then the fact that she is not a virgin will not stop me from accepting her.  Love is more than getting physical....its more than the intimacy you share...its about spending time together...its about those lovely conversations....its about tolerating each other's mistakes and still not giving up on each other....love is above the question of being virgin or not...Its about FAITH....Its about trust...and because its about believing each other, i want her to be loyal with me always...i want her to share all her secrets even if they are Dark...very Dark...because i can tolerate bitter truths...but lies i am allergic to them..

She should not feel insecure about her past before me rather she should make peace with it. There is no future without history and i should know about each and every thing about her life.....her past..her present and because i love her...she should not fear..that i will leave her....i will of course make peace with her past, Because I firmly believe that,


So in short, in case of Love, Virginity rarely matters, but trust does, suppose if she lies and hides her past from me, what will i do ?

Nothing much, i would leave her and become a loner again..better to live alone than living with an unfaithful partner isn't it....she will of course find an idiot to fool around who would be better than me and mind you i would leave her not because she is not a virgin but because she lied...hope the readers got my point....HA HA HA HA....

In the New testament Jesus forgives an adulterous woman( ST JOHN 8:1-30) who was bought before him by the pharisees to be stoned to death but Jesus said, "  "Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her." and all those pharisees who had came to condemn that woman left that place one by one because they knew none of them was without sin. After they had all left, Jesus asks the woman who was bought to be condemned, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?" She said, "No one, Lord." And Jesus said, "Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more."

When my Lord can forgive a adulterous woman, at least i can forgive the girl i love.....isn't it.....Now by forgiving i meant...forgiving her past...being in peace with it...it would actually reduce my mental agony which i would go through...... may truth prevail.....Amen

A SPECIAL NOTE - The girl i am in love with even if she is not a virgin,she will still remain an angel for me....but other women who have pre-marital sex....all are characterless...lol ha ha ha ha..no offence..just kidding....Love is blind..you see...


    nice post.. :)

    1. Yeah personally that line is my favourite too....Love is above all u see....

  2. Well written with awesome thoughts!!

  3. if i know a person did everything already in the past...my love would fizzle out instantly :D

    1. ha ha ha ha same here..actually i would be doing all this to make her speak out the truth........ha ha ha..:-D as soon as the truth is out...i will show my true colours...bingo.....ha ha ha ha ha..:-D lol

  4. Picture this a girl confesses that she is not a virgin the day the boy proposes her as a part of know all about me before you totally fall for me ritual and the boy accepts and then years after she discovers truth about the boy which he had hidden, What should the girl do? No, she won't leave. A good post

    1. Hmmmm...welll...gals were actually forgiving some years ago....now they are slowly getting intolerant........:-P

    2. that's grouping people and stereotyping, girls are humans too their personality differs from individual to individual, was just giving you a point in case that virginity and virtue are not always synonyms. The human race is getting intolerant in general due to various societal factors, that is a different topic altogether

    3. Men are dogs...and gal can call them so..no offence is taken...u call a girl a bitch...boom....she will give a punch on ur face..dhishum...:-D

    4. Issac for me "Men are Dogs" is very unacceptable that too is grouping, I know many men they are my Father, Brother, Friends, Husband, Colleagues. This all "Men are from Mars and Women are from venus" is alien to me I do not see the gender I see the individual while making acquantances. No, grudges against men as some of them are precious to me. I was talking of stereotyping in general

  5. gr8 thought!! brilliant write up..

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. see i guess you are not understanding what em trying to say....read my special note...i said even if my gal is not virgin......i may forgive her...why because i love her....love never judges....but when i talk about the society on a whole...i will ofcourse knowingly or unknowingly judge dem n dat too brutally...becoz i can't love all the women who are living the society....

    2. u asked what i want.....i expect truth and honesty from her....no ullu banawing by acting like a sati-savitri....be urself.....no need to fake....

    3. n there are no two minds...Garima nag.....there are several minds that rule my actions......human mind is a complicated thing....with lots of complications....:-P

    4. n love is definately an escape door from all the troubles of this world...a door which leads to bigger troubles...:-D

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. ha ha ha ha ha lol.....my stomach is alright..i had a hajmola of thoughts....and its doing well now....:-D lol.....poor righteous me...:-D ha ha ha

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. ohh pls.....:-P
      that would be an issue b/w me and her..no outsiders involved......:-P
      AND OFCOURSE I CAN FORGIVE HER...when for my mistakes...if i can ask sorry and she says i forgive u....apology granted....i can also forgive her and forget her past....

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. we forgive people...we have the right to forgive people whom we love......i dont think..u will understand....well someone said it rightly...." there is no point in arguing with a woman....ha ha ha ha and there is no point in arguing with a fool"

    2. ha ha ha ha..ur laughing at my thots....ha ha ha ha keep laughing....:-D
      And em getting irritated at urs..:-P lol

    3. to be honest...even i found his second post contradictory than his last...thats why gave my comment.....one should stick by what they say :D

    4. ha ha ha ha ha rofl....complications.....in simple n short i hope u ladies understand.....for me judging parameters are different...for society its different...for my dear ones...its different....:-)

    5. Actually it was bit betrayal of sorts..since i supported your first view which was strong on morals...then you went weak in your 2nd post :D

    6. Ha ha ha ha ha....Its a universal fact Nandini.....a man gets weak b4 his love......only to get stronger with time or else get completely destroyed....here the moral is..we should learn to forgive if there is true love involved.....this post too is high on morals....see the brighter part of it..;-) :-D

    7. Even Sage Vishwamitra fell weak b4 a woman like Menaka.....then i am nothing compared to Viswamitra...:-P just an ordinary boy next door....;-P
      Women are so powerful...:-D

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. First Why would you forgive the girl she has not wronged you she had a relation before you entered her life so she didn't cheat you. Second " there is no point in arguing with a woman....ha ha ha ha and there is no point in arguing with a fool" wow I am so teary eyed you hold women in such a high regard, I am moved, wow what a great thought, Garima why are we even arguing with the supreme judge himself.

    1. well my mother, sister...women around me..know how much i respect women...so i don't think the need to prove it....:-P first thing
      secondly....have u ever been in a relation Datta ghosh.....in a love relation u at times ask sorry for small small things.. just imagine when ur hubby tells u about ur past relation...you would take time to forgive his past...if u actually love him...

    2. Firstly Issac I am married, so, I am very much in a relationship which I believe transcends all boundaries of love, He is my family "In your heart lies mine and we are one " is the oath we have taken to enter into this pious bond. Question is What if my husband tells me about his "not being virgin before meeting me past" it will increase my respect for him because he was honest enough to tell me that, which I do not have a chance of knowing otherwise. He has this strength of character to accept what he has done, he has the ethics that he found it necessary to play fair and give me a clear picture so, that i make a conscious decision knowing all the facets and some where he has a faith in my love that he knows I won't leave him and will be always by his side so, he has taken the risk of telling me. It was his past, a time I was not the part of it, he didn't know me so, how does it affect me? For me love is to love unconditionally, you accept people for what they are on a broader sense my philosophy tells me "Vasudevaye Kutumbakam" meaning the whole world is my family and I will judge not a single person based on a single facet as like rainbows we are multifacated.

    3. then i must say....i am a weak human being....because i cannot consider the whole world to be my family....and it would ofcourse affect me.....for gals, its easy to forgive but the same cannot be said about men.....our ego comes in between...I said na i have so many flaws...great people dont judge..but i do.......and sorry i didn't knew u were so elder to me...am i the only young one here...:-O

    4. Issac, first I oppose that men have ego, no, not all men have ego while many women are egoist (like me). its again an individual matter and not a clan thing. Actually a bit of ego is good I think. You don't become weak by not considering the whole world as an extended family you have the guts to accept your perspective hats off to you for that. Your perception may be different from mine no one is absolutely right or absolutely wrong here. Age is not a factor we read Keats (died when he was 25) and Wordsworth (died at 80) and while comparing do not consider the age at which they wrote. A one day old kid may teach me something and it will be as prized a learning as the words of a hundred year old. And what made you think I am so elder and not young I am 26 (almost 27) so going that way hurry up its only 3 to 4 years or less before you get all old :P Don't judge in a hurry we tend to misinterpret,my learning out of life (and hoping to learn a lot)

    5. ha ha haha.....i will not get old..bcoz em still a kidwho plays video games and enjoy watching cartoons..:-P well same here i too wanna learn a lot...and 3-4 years difference...is no difference.....:-D he he he he...well misinterpretation happened bcoz of ur name...its purana zamana types name naa..and i didnt check ur profile..so could'nt judge...

    6. "datta" my name is "purana zamana types" a refreshing change from the usual response to me name "Huh? two surnames? what's your name? datta?" :P so, thanks for that. my name is uncommon and have come across two people so far with the same name (who are girls) they too were of my age. Age is a mental state you can remain young till 100 and become old at 17 (these are the kinds i hate to interact). BTW you too share your name with a person who lived and died centuries ago (if we are taking of perceiving age by the names given to us) ;)

    7. ha ha ha ha ha...yeah People used to call me Newton during my school days...:-D

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. and plss read both the posts carefully....in my first post..em talking about the society...and in dis one em talking about my personal life...so get the difference....ur social image is different....personally what u r with ur dear ones is diffferent......;-)
    and in both the posts..i stress on feelings..thats the common link....

  14. ohh pls..ha ha ha ha..people get offended so easily dis days.....:-D

  15. Thank you Garima nag...u removed your illogical comments..:-D
    respect for u from the bottom of my heart..;-)

  16. I agree that the non-Virgin status of the person we LOVE doesn't deter our acceptance... The movie 'Kya Kehna' is an example that I have quoted in my post :)
    Girl/Boy may want Virgin partner, but may settle for an honest & nice non-Virgin whom they love.
    Nicely expressed, Isaac.

    1. Anita ji....thank God.....ur comment was a breathe of fresh air.....a big relief...thank u so much...:-)

  17. You have been bombarded with comments. I actually feel we should listen to all the views even if we disagree. Point is just that we shouldn't be hypocrites.

  18. Bombarded..,.ha ha ha ha...yeah...nuclear bombs.....:-D
    yeah...v shud listen to all the views but when som1 is not ready to listen and trys to dominate a debate..thats what i dont like and that too with things that dont have logic......and yeah...we shud be what v r......hypocrisy is bad for mental health...


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