This awesome art is captured by Binish Varghese Once upon a time there lived Alcohol in a big bottle. Sparkling in all its glory, it gleamed and shined in the night. A broken heart destro yed by the charms of a beautiful lady came one day and opened the bottle . He poured the sparkling liquid into a sh ining glass . The glass and wine looked beautiful to gether but their love story was short lived as he gulped it down slowly slowly, peg by peg down his throat. He felt sober, he felt weird, he felt nausea tic. There was a cocktail of emotions forming inside him. His feelings came to brim and he puked them all out onto the three bottles that he emptied. Paintings emerged, on one the image of the girl he loved, on second the storms he was facing within and on third emerged the dark nights, he was going through. His friend captured them all and it became an art, a story, a memory, a masterpiece.